Brief portfolio:

Internationaal Patent company: 

set up local business ID in the Netherlands,

- Legal support,
- marketing,
- agent,
- sales,
- international business development services.


 innovative (patented) sunglasses (NL product),

- Built an international distribution network in Israel and associated countries,
- marketing,
- import duties,
- sales network. 

Forex- Strato: 

currency trading platform from America,

- Set up in the Netherlands,
- legalization,
- assistance with the AFM process,
- establish a LTD (BV),
- building an ICT platform,
- back office and all local business development requirements. 


ICT company,

- Expansion in the Netherlands,
- market research, 
- marketing & sales,
- total back / support office. 


technical laser products,

- Founding from 'scratch',
- come up with a concept,
- put on the market. 

Several international companies 

(oil, trading, import/ export, charities & holding companies)

- Help settle in the Netherlands,
- to expand,
- build local network,
- legal support,
- general management. 

These are just a very few of the projects I worked on over the years, so no shortage of experience in the areas of legal, management, sales & marketing. My strengths lie in my business insight, accessible personality and very good analytical skills.

I would like to explain more about my experience, track record and "why I / I.K." in a personal conversation. 

News & Publications-

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Corporate Vision Magazine Announces the Winners of the 2023 Education and Training Awards

United Kingdom 2023 – Corporate Vision magazine showcases the winners of this year’s Education and Training Awards.

Education is the cornerstone of evolution. We each rely on a multitude of sources for education throughout our lives, and our search for more knowledge never seems to end. Here we explore a diverse collection of businesses and individuals which help to quench our thirst for more wisdom and a wider skillset.

Spanning many industries, our winners help other individuals and businesses to flourish through education and training. They cultivate a nourishing environment to ensure their clients can experience the highest level of support. In the same vein, they share their knowledge to help their clients to assist others. This results in a chain reaction of shared information and more understanding for the world as we know it.

Awards Coordinator Taylor Wilson comments: “We spend our whole lives learning and we don’t do it alone. No matter where we turn there are opportunities for betterment and growth, and the winners in this year’s Education and Training Awards are a buttress for a more rich and fulfilling future. I wish them all the best as they continue to create a positive impact for all.”

 IK Business Consulting.pdf

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- One of he greatest joy in life is doing what people say you can't do!